Should I Turn Off My Heater When I’m Not Home?

One common question we hear at RedHome Services is whether it’s advisable to turn off your heater when leaving your Austin home. The short answer is: rather than turning it off, it’s better to adjust the temperature.

Understanding Your Heating System

Unlike a lawnmower, which is either on or off, your furnace operates based on the demands of your thermostat. This thermostat regulates the temperature, turning the furnace on and off as needed. This cycle ensures your home maintains a consistent temperature without the furnace running continuously.

The Risks of Completely Shutting Off Your Heater

Completely shutting off your heater, especially during the cold months, increases the risk of frozen and potentially bursting pipes. Therefore, it’s advisable to lower the thermostat rather than turning off the furnace. This approach prevents such risks while still conserving energy.

Setting the Right Temperature

We recommend setting your thermostat at 68 degrees Fahrenheit during waking hours at home, and reducing it by 10 to 12 degrees when you’re away or asleep. This strategy, endorsed by ENERGY STAR®, can save you up to 10% annually on heating. When leaving for a vacation in winter, setting the thermostat to around 55 degrees prevents freezing while minimizing energy use. For homes with pets, a setting around 63 degrees keeps your furry friends comfortable.

The Convenience of Programmable Thermostats

Programmable thermostats eliminate the discomfort of returning to or waking up in a cold house. These devices can be programmed to start heating your home before you wake up or return, ensuring comfort while still saving energy. Easy to install and operate, programmable thermostats should be placed on interior walls, away from direct sunlight or drafts, for optimal performance. Not sure about the best thermostat or installation spot? RedHome Services is here to assist.

RedHome Services: Your Partner in Efficient Heating

At RedHome, we’re dedicated to helping you make the most of your heating system in Austin, Texas. Whether you need a routine checkup, advice on thermostat settings, or assistance with a programmable thermostat installation, we’re here to help. Call us or request service online for professional HVAC support tailored to your needs.

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