How Does A Furnace Work?

Understanding Your Furnace: A Guide to How It Works and Maintenance Tips

In Austin, Texas, where cold snaps can be harsh, understanding the workings of your furnace isn’t just academic—it’s practical knowledge that can come in handy. At RedHome Services, we believe in empowering our clients with information to help them manage their heating systems effectively.

The Role of the Thermostat

Often overlooked, the thermostat is the command center of your heating system. It’s a temperature-sensitive switch working in tandem with the furnace’s control board. You set a desired temperature, and your HVAC system works to maintain it, cycling on and off as needed. 

When your thermostat signals your gas furnace, the ignition process begins, lighting the fuel in the combustion chamber, and a blower starts pushing warm air through your ducts. Modern furnaces use electronic starters, while older models may have a standing pilot light.

There are plenty of options when it comes to thermostats to control the temperature of your home. Many of today’s modern programmable or smart thermostat systems are excellent choices for maintaining even temperature throughout your home even when you’re away. 

Understanding the Combustion Chamber

Your furnace’s combustion chamber is where the heating magic starts. It takes in oxygen, burns fuel efficiently, and safely expels combustion byproducts through a flue. Keeping this chamber well-maintained is crucial for both efficiency and indoor air quality. If you think the combustion chamber in your furnace needs maintenance, we highly recommend contacting RedHome Services to inspect the chamber and provide maintenance to keep your furnace functioning properly. 

Heat Exchange: The Heart of Your Furnace

The heat exchanger, a series of metal tubes, sits above the combustion chamber. As burners ignite gas inside the chamber, these tubes heat up and transfer warmth to the air blown across them. This heated air is then circulated throughout your home. It’s vital to keep the heat exchanger in good condition, as a crack could lead to dangerous carbon monoxide leaks. At RedHome Services, we prioritize your safety by thoroughly inspecting and maintaining your heat exchanger.

Maintenance Tips for Peak Performance

Regular maintenance can significantly extend the life of your furnace and prevent costly repairs. Here are a few tips:

  • Change Your Air Filter Regularly: A clogged filter strains your furnace and reduces efficiency. Replace it every three months, or more frequently if needed. Use a 1 to 2-inch filter, and upgrade to a HEPA filter if you suffer from allergies. 
  • Check Your Thermostat Battery: If your furnace isn’t responding, a simple battery change in your thermostat might be the solution. Pull off the cover to your thermostat and change the batteries out if you notice issues with the thermostat. This could be the trick to help even the distribution of heat throughout your home. 
  • Open All Vents – Closed or blocked vents can cause uneven heat distribution throughout your home. It’s best to keep all vents open, even in rooms you don’t use often, so that you don’t experience excessive heat in one room while other rooms are frigid. 

Need Expert Furnace Assistance?

For all your furnace-related queries and services in Austin, TX, turn to RedHome Services. Our experienced team is dedicated to ensuring your furnace operates smoothly and efficiently. Contact us today for expert advice or to schedule a service. Let us help you stay warm and comfortable throughout the winter.

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