Most Common Issues with Your Heating System In Austin, TX

Even in the heart of Texas, winter can throw a curveball. With temperatures that can plummet from a cozy 70 degrees to freezing in mere hours, Texas winters keep you on your toes. While your heating system might not be used as often as in the northern states, it’s crucial to ensure it has optimal performance during those chilly months.

Preventative heater maintenance of your heating system before the cold sets in is vital. Let’s look at the most common issues you might encounter with your heating system and how to effectively tackle them.

Heater Won’t Turn Off

If your heating system relentlessly blows hot air, ensure it’s set to “auto” instead of “on” to allow it to switch off when it reaches the desired temperature. Constant running might indicate a malfunctioning thermostat or an issue with the blower. Check the wiring to make sure it’s connected to the thermostat and then reset the thermostat to factory settings. If the issue continues, reach out to RedHome Services for a thorough inspection.

Inconsistent Heating Across Your Home

Uneven heating in your home could stem from a clogged air filter, issues with ductwork, or components like the fan motor, bearings, or belts. While air filter replacement is straightforward, addressing system issues warrants a call to RedHome’s experienced Austin heating repair technicians.

Cold Air Coming Out of Vents

If cold air is blowing from the vents, check the thermostat settings and air filter condition first. Ensure the pilot light is on and verify fuel availability for your heating system. Investigate potential duct leaks by feeling for air along the ductwork or using incense smoke to detect drafts at junction points. If these steps don’t resolve the issue, RedHome is here to assist.

Heating System Won’t Light or Stay Lit

Modern heaters with electronic ignition and intermittent pilot lights may experience sensor issues, requiring cleaning or replacement. 

Thermostat Not Working

If thermostat controls won’t work, try troubleshooting steps like checking the settings, replacing the batteries, and resetting to manufacturer settings. If issues persist, a professional assessment may be needed.

Heating System Fan Isn’t Working

Verify the thermostat setting and if the air filter is dirty. Ensure circuit breakers are active but avoid frequent toggling to prevent electrical hazards or a fire. If these steps fail, professional intervention is recommended.

Unpleasant Odor from the Heating System

When you turn your heat on for the first time during the winter, there might be a burning smell because the heating system is burning away any dust and dirt that has accumulated since the last time you used it. Persistent odors, especially after cleaning and air filter replacement, should be addressed by a heating repair specialist.

Energy Bills Are High

If your energy bills have spiked, minor issues or more serious concerns like a faulty compressor or refrigerant leak might be at play. RedHome’s Austin heating repair professionals can diagnose and resolve the issue.

Lack of Heating System Maintenance

Ensuring regular upkeep of your heating appliances, be it gas heaters or furnaces, is essential to avoid cold temperatures, untimely repairs, replacements, and inflated energy bills. 

Make heating issues a thing of the past by scheduling a heater maintenance visit with RedHome.

Ensuring your heating system is in prime condition is pivotal for a cozy winter. RedHome Services, your trusted HVAC partner in Austin, TX, is here to assist you in navigating through any heating challenges you might encounter. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to keep your home nice and warm through the colder Austin winter months. 

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